Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme.

We hope that everyone enjoys this meme, which is all about photos of animals/critters. We try not to complicate CC with many rules, but we do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Camera-Critters #14

Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme. I hope that everyone enjoys this meme which is all about photos of animals/critters. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun! Each week, on Sunday evening/night, a Camera-Critters capture from that week will be randomly selected to be featured in the sidebar of this blog until the next Sunday.

* * * I will continue to add people to the blogroll on an ongoing basis. So, if you aren't listed, please accept my apologies, just let me know, and I'll add you. * * *



Reader Wil said...

Hi Misty Dawn, How are you doin g? Thank you for hosting this meme. I enjoy sending in my animal post, though I have no animals myself anymore! Much to my regret!

Anonymous said...

Happy CC! I am earlier than before and I have posted my CC photo here:

Unknown said...

we're in maui today, but pre-scheduled the post!!! come visit!

storyteller said...

I’m posting Camera Critters #14 on Saturday (at Small Reflections) for the 3rd week in a row … just because ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Lapa37 said...

It's Camera Critters time again that makes me happy. Have a good day Misty

nonizamboni said...

I'm up--and early for a change!
Happy CC--thanks for this meme.

Sheena said...

Meet my drakes...

Happy Sunday everyone!!! :)

Cath said...

Thanks for hosting again! More kitties on mine...

Teena in Toronto said...

Mine's up ;)

Anonymous said...

good morning! mine is up:
one that bleats so loud heheheehe:

Anonymous said...

Shalom! A talking animal has something to say here in Israel! Come and hear.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Thanks for hosting again. Mine's uo and today I have a very rare cuddly little creature.

Anonymous said...

My photo is up (at last, after a false start).

Rhea said...

I love the weekly critter-fix I get with this meme!

Heart of Rachel said...

Happy weekend! My photo is up.

bcmomtoo said...

#43 - man, I'm late. :P

Insane Mama said...

Happy weekend o everyone I posted my photos.
I'm going to check them all out now!

Anonymous said...

A very special critter is waiting for you ♥

Ingrid said...

I have a swan family walking across the beach fully packed with tourists at the Garda lake in Italy.

Anonymous said...

CC is one of my most favorite meme's! thanks so much for all you do!

I'd love to be on the blogroll... have a great weekend :)

Snooty Primadona said...

I've been out of town for a while but am back for more Camera Critters!

Anonymous said...

Just put my picture up:) Hope you all have a wonderful weekend;)

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

This weekend I am posting the COWS & Goats + my dog, all in NAARDEN Holland, we have such a great nature and (wild) animals here I wanted to share that with you all.

Happy CC From JoAnn Holland

Kerri Farley said...

Thanks for hosting this!!

Anonymous said...

Have a great Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great meme. Hope you can add me to your blogroll, thanks!

Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

My critter is up! A visitor this time...

thyme said...

Reader Wil told me to send in my toad as a Camera Critter - it is posted here:

Naturegirl said...

What a wonderful idea! I've just come upon a few Critter posts!Perhaps I may join in soon! Now I'm off for more smiles.

Carrie said...

I just got my picture posted....better late than never!

Anonymous said...

I'm new at this & it's my 1st time posting on your site - I have 2 blogs and one is for my cats "Not Spoiled At All." When I clicked the button to add myself to your list, it added me but it links back to my other site & I don't know how to create a link to where it links back to my NSAA blog - so just click on the link in my Favs List to see my kitty page. I apologize for this - I'm figuring all this out as I go.

ShannonW said...

I am posted finally!


Sandy Kessler said...

injured today but ok enough to come and visit my favorite place congrats on that camera work wowee

Anonymous said...

my post is some turtles and birds in the bird sanctuary. :-)

kesslerdee said...

I love this MEME! This is my first post and wouldn't you know the cutest little pink caterpillar popped up for me to show! If anyone can identify it please do!

Reader Wil said...

Misty Dawn, I am afraid I cannot but send in my post for next Sunday as I will be in Australia then. I'm leaving tomorrow and will stay in Oz for 6 weeks. Have a nice summer and thanks for hosting Camera Critters. I love it!!

docemdy said...

My first time to join the meme. Where can I get a link button?

mrsnesbitt said...

A bit late, but catching up after our adventure. Loving it!

kjpweb said...

I'm in - posting for my 3rd week! See you around!
Cheers, Klaus

Jess NBP said...

neat idea... this will get added to my sunday events. I look forward to coming back

ShannonW said...

Real bonz please :)


Unknown said...

Great idea. I just joined and my first pet pictures are posted on my blog.

I've enjoyed seeing yours.