Saturday, February 26, 2011

Camera-Critters #151

Just in time for spring ~ Enter my awesome giveaway!

Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa? Or something else entirely?

I drink two cups of coffee each day, and I do LOVE my daddy's hot cocoa!

I want to start learning more about my Camera-Critters friends.
So, each week, I'll ask you a question.
If you want to answer, leave it in the comments.
If you don't feel like answering, that's O.K. too. :-)
We've got a great group of people here.
So, I thought it would be fun if we got to know each other more.

Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme. We hope that everyone enjoys this meme which is all about photos of animals/critters. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun!


We try not to complicate CC with many rules, but we do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. Thank you.


  1. I drink all three... but without my coffee in the morning, my day is not complete.

  2. Coffee for sure with a bit of cocoa on the cold nasty days!

  3. I have to claim that I'm a die hard coffee drinker! My students know when I have not had my pint of morning Java! :-)

    An evening mug of hot cocoa is a treat in front of a fire though!

  4. Coffee is my preferred brew; have two tumblers (we in southern India have it in stainless steel tumbler, not a cup) before breakfast.

  5. I do love my morning coffee - and maybe one more... Then I switch to tea. I also drink loads of water every day.

  6. They are all good. As long as the morning starts with a mug of coffee with cardamon, sipped while reading my new comments and your new blog posts.

  7. None of the above. I don't do any hot drink, and don't like any tea. I used to drink nothing but Diet Coke, but I stopped that 2-3 months ago and now I only drink water. :0)

    Prairie Dogs :)

  8. Both - I like strong coffee - French dark roast or something like Sumatra or a strong blend...and I drink at least two cups of that and several cups of tea a day, chai, English breakfast, Assam, Darjeeling and, then, green teas, jasmine and herbal teas every day.

  9. I like all 3:D However, we drink Nespresso Coffee and English Breakfast Tea in our house.

  10. I drink it all. But only tea that I drink every day :)

  11. Cup after cup of coffee throughout the entire day.

  12. I never developed the taste for coffee! I'm probably the only 50 yr old that hates coffee! I've given up caffeine except for the occasional hot cocoa (home made) off course!

  13. I'm pretty much a tea junkie! I do like coffee ad cocoa when the mood strikes though, but tea is usually the first choice.

  14. I'm an herbal/organic tea drinker and my other favourite drink is hot water. Not a drop of coffee for me.

  15. it's all about the hot chocolate!
    what a fun meme. this is my first time participating & i'm glad i found you :)

    a good life, photos.

  16. I drink both tea and coffee most days. I always have a cup of tea to kick-start me in the morning.

  17. I love coffee and it is a must in the morning before work. Green Tea with mint is also a favorite of mine and cocoa is great on cold wintry days. Thanks for hosting Misty Dawn, again Camera Critters is one of my favorite blogs.

  18. I used to drink LOTS of coffee. Apparently, it was too much coffee, because now I'm not supposed to have it at all. Sometimes the smell of Dick's coffee brewing in the morning is just too much for me, so I have half a cup of coffee with half a cup of milk. Otherwise, I start my day with cold water. It wakes me up! And I enjoy tea, especially herbal, the rest of the day and evening.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  19. Hi Misty Dawn,
    I drink about 3 cups of decaf coffee most days. I also enjoy Earl Gray decaf tea. I used to drink a lot of herbal teas, but when I make a cup, I am in the mood for my Earl Gray 98% of the time.

    I finally got my CC post done. Here's the link:

  20. Bonitas fotos!

    Yo prefiero té!

    Jan Halvard,
    noruego en La Paz, Bolivia
    ¡Buenos dias Bolivia!

  21. I am a dedicated tea granny - many, many cups in a day!

    I'm also a newbie to your meme, but will definitely be back now that I've found it through my friend Kay. So pleased to meet you...:)


  22. How fun! This is my first entry, so glad to be a part of your meme. Hugs, antonella :-)

  23. Coffee, hot chocolate, and tea. I like them all. Is there anything better than a cup of coffee first thing in the morning? I only drink one cup, but it's a HUGE cup. I like my coffee black and extremely strong. I usually have hot chocolate when it is cold and dreary outside, while I'm all cozy and warm insid, preferably with a good book. I take my tea iced with lemon in the summer and enjoy a hot decaf after dinner in the winter.

  24. coffee every day.
    cocoa when it's snowing out.
    and tea for a treat.

  25. I love hot cocoa -- it's the best!

  26. I just posted my first camera critter post. Is there a specific day I am supposed to post?

    My favorite is coffee, but I will drink all three. I don't often sit down my coffee, I drag it around with me. Sometimes I lose it.

  27. In England how could it be anything but tea - milk in the cup first naturally.


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