Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme.

We hope that everyone enjoys this meme, which is all about photos of animals/critters. We try not to complicate CC with many rules, but we do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Camera-Critters #163

What's your favorite vegetable?

I want to start learning more about my Camera-Critters friends. So, each week, I'll ask you a question. If you want to answer, leave it in the comments. If you don't feel like answering, that's O.K. too. :-) We've got a great group of people here. So, I thought it would be fun if we got to know each other more.

Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme. We hope that everyone enjoys this meme which is all about photos of animals/critters. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun!


We try not to complicate CC with many rules, but we do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. Thank you.


Misty DawnS said...

My favorite vegetable is definitely CORN! I LOVE corn and would eat it with every meal, if Hubs would let me get away with it. Whole kernel corn... cream corn...and my FAVE-Corn on the cob! YUM!
I also love lettuce, because I love salads. I'm a tomato fan too :-)

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Tomatoes! Sorry I goofed up on my links.............. :(.

Linda said...

Favourite veggie? depends what is in season as I love fresh veggies, so right now it is asparagus.

Hootin Anni said...

Tomatoes are actually FRUIT!!! I think I'd have to say ALL are a favorite, except for okra.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Being a vegetarian I would have to say all veggies except okra and beets!

Jenn Jilks said...


eileeninmd said...

Hi Misty, I love veggies. Some of my favorites are sweet potatoes, aspargus and broccoli. Thanks for hosting another week of Camera Critters. Have a great weekend.

Kay L. Davies said...

My favorite vegetable is butternut squash, although I also love yams, and fresh wild asparagus.
My dog Lindy's favorite vegetable is cucumber.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

RNSANE said...

That is really hard since I like so many vegetables. I especially like vegetables grilled, basted with some good olive oil. Tops are eggplant, mushrooms, asparagus...but I like summer squashes, spinach and I really love arugula - I put it on everything.

Misty DawnS said...

I guess I have to correct myself... The Pioneer Woman posted this question recently, and I decided it would be a good question here.
Apparently corn is a grain, and
Tomatoes are fruit.
So, I guess I'll have to go with Lettuce as my favorite vegetable!

Francisca said...

Hmmm... a favorite vegetable is hard to pick, since there aren't many I would NOT relish, especially of the dark green leaf kind. Push comes to shove, though, I'd say water spinach.

Teuvo Vehkalahti said...

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Marie said...

There are so many that I really love, but if I had to choose just the one, I think it would be carrot purely because it is so versatile and can be eaten raw, boiled, steamed, baked... just so many ways.

Self Sagacity said...

Happy camera critters day. Thanks for hosting.

Anonymous said...

Jersey corn hands down followed by Jersey Tomatoes.

My choice for CC is up, stop on by.

i beati said...

I'm a vegan and love them all -maybe tomatoes not really a veggie but love all.

Ingrid said...

I love them all !

Ruth said...

Potatoes and anything green!

I'm glad to rejoin the group.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

I know tomatoes are fruit and corn is actually a grain but they are still veggies to me :).