Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme.

We hope that everyone enjoys this meme, which is all about photos of animals/critters. We try not to complicate CC with many rules, but we do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun!


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Camera-Critters #25

Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme. I hope that everyone enjoys this meme which is all about photos of animals/critters. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun! Each week, on Sunday evening/night, a Camera-Critters capture from that week will be randomly selected to be featured in the sidebar of this blog until the next Sunday.


I try not to complicate CC with many rules, but I do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. Thank you.

* * * IMPORTANT - I need your help... if you have been participating on a regular basis, and I have not added you to the blogroll, please point that out in your comment, along with your blog name (or your name - whichever you prefer to be listed) and address (so it will be faster for me to add you). I have tabs open for the blogroll so I can immediately add those people whom I have neglected (PLEASE forgive me... you really do mean the world to me!) * * *


ratmammy said...

yippee! here we are again!

i beati said...

sadly I missed about 25 blogs last week. Each was so fun- gets better all the time.. Lost a kitten this week . my favorite - 3 favorite pets this year- so so sad. I never figure out the why of it ..sandy

me ann my camera said...

Hi Misty, I don't think you have me on your blogroll. My blog is;
Nature Tales and Camera Trails.

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I have two critters this week!




Lapa37 said...

Yay it's CC day once again I put some bugs up for you Misty I know you like them.

Mike W. said...

My Camera Critters post is a little different this week. We have a new picture gallery up at The Lower Barn!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful weekend! Mine is "Bees in the Garden"

Anonymous said...

Hey Misty Dawn, those are lively letters for twenty-five!
Happy International Day of the Donkey.

storyteller said...

For those who 'expressed concern' about Ms. Kitty's 'displacement' from the large ceramic pot, I've shared a few of her other 'favorite' spots ... just because.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Happy CC everyone :) Mine is up :)

Anonymous said...

Hi - I like Camera Critters a lot.

Anonymous said...

Posted mine this week too:) Say hi to my critter because he's waving:) Mine is posted HERE too. Happy CC!~

Reader Wil said...

Hi, Misty! Another Australian critter. In my country, Holland there are no kookaburras. It's a pity!

Anonymous said...

Hi, everyone! Just posted mine. :)

judi/Gmj said...

Thanks for continuing this fun meme.

Dirkjogt said...

Looking forward for the critters this week, happy to participate!

Katney said...

I have a Critter this week and he is embedded in a larger post which gives the context. I only play occasionally, so you don't have to add me to the blogroll.

Anonymous said...

I'm here :)

Juneau Alaska Photos said...

Greetings from Juneau (Alaska) Daily Photo!
Check out my blog if you would like to see a Humpback whale spyhopping. Have a great day!:)

Heart of Rachel said...

Happy weekend to all!

You may find my entry here.

Carrie said...

Mine is up...I did it last night and forgot to post it lol

david mcmahon said...

I shot this one thousands of miles away from home, Mist!!

Pat - Arkansas said...

I've been working in my yard all day and almost forgot that it was Camera Critters day. My post is up.

Anonymous said...

Hi Misty, I'm not on your blogroll yet... http://www.thebirdersreport.com I'm feeling a bit froggy today!

Unknown said...

Yippee, this is my second time playing, but first time being on time. :) Fun! Thanx

Anonymous said...

I posted more updates about Tam, my wild baby rat. Have a good week everyone!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I've gome for black cat myths. This neme just keeps getting bigger and better. Well done.

Snowbird said...

Come on over and see my favorite bird.

Sherrie said...

Hi everyone,
I am new to Camera Critters. I have been lurking and looking at everyone's photo's. So thought I would join in this week. Since I don't know how to make a link here, this is where you can find me:


Just click on Random Thoughts From Me and you'll go right there! Take Care!!


HeatherK said...

I got my CC posted. Wow there is a lot of participants. Happy weekend to you all.

Anonymous said...

Posted mine.
Great photos everyone!!!

magiceye said...

Check out urban squirrels Here

magiceye said...

Hi Misty, I dont think am on your blog roll. My blog address is http://mumbai-eyed.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Happy 25 th =)

A Blog In The Rough said...

Woops, almost forgot to post that I completed this on my blog!
Happy 25th!

Gattina said...

Wow that's nice ! I discovered this meme a little late !

Forgetfulone said...

Misty, you do a great job hosting camera critters. Thank you! I've got mine posted included a button and a link.

kjpweb said...

Glad to take part again!
Have a great weekend, ya'all!
Cheers, Klaus

Janet said...

My post today has poodles for sale!
Please add Rambling Round to the roll. Thanks.
My blog is selmaala.blogspot.com.

Rambling Woods said...

I am getting a late start, but I really enjoy CC..
Rambling Woods

ChrissyM said...

I came across your meme through Fieldsofheather's blog. I am so excited I love taking pictures especially of my yellow lab dog Buddy. I posted my first picture this morning. Look forward to coming back week after week!


kesslerdee said...

I joined today! Mine has a sad ending though!

Unknown said...

Happy Sunday.........mine is up this week.

Samantha & Mom said...

Ours is up!! Have a nice day!
Your FL furiends,

Anonymous said...

my entries are up! I was late because we just arrived from an island getaway over the weekend.

Happy Monday!

Madeleine said...

Hi, Mine is finally in.

Let me know what you think, it is an unusal photo of a real kitty, a hairless breed, and the blue eyes are very real, no touch up,



HDMac said...

I posted a pic of my shoe loving Golden! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
