Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme.

We hope that everyone enjoys this meme, which is all about photos of animals/critters. We try not to complicate CC with many rules, but we do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Camera-Critters #154

What's your favorite movie?
I have many... Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, The Green Mile, Erin Brockovich, Seven... the list goes on and on.

I want to start learning more about my Camera-Critters friends.
So, each week, I'll ask you a question.
If you want to answer, leave it in the comments.
If you don't feel like answering, that's O.K. too. :-)
We've got a great group of people here.
So, I thought it would be fun if we got to know each other more.

Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme. We hope that everyone enjoys this meme which is all about photos of animals/critters. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun!


We try not to complicate CC with many rules, but we do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. Thank you.


Snap said...

I love War and Peace (the one with Audrey Hepburn) and Enchanted April!

Hootin Anni said...

My all time favorites are GWTW, Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, National Treasure, ohhhhhhhhh, so many Dawn, I'd run out of room here.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

I don't see as many movies as I did years ago, I like all of those that Misty mentioned but I must say that I love the animations. I think I have taken my grandsons to see most of them. Right now I would love to see Rango!

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of films I like, but I could watch "The Outlaw Josie Wales" over and over. It's a film that seems to have everything. And for pure escapism, "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure". Does that make me a nerd?

Thanks for this great meme.

All the best, Boonie

Unknown said...

I love anything scary, lol.

eileeninmd said...

I have so many favorites, some old and some new. Old ones are the Sound of Music and Wizard of Oz and I loved the old Elvis Presley movies. New ones are the Harry Potter movies, Lion King and Lord of the Rings

lina@happy family said...

My list will be very long. I like Harrison Ford movies (Indiana Jones and his other movies), Titanic, Forrest Gump, Avatar, Star Wars, Harry Potters, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, and I must stop :)

Carletta said...

Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Narnia, The Wizard of OZ, Wall-E, You've Got Mail, Mystic Pizza, and Fried Green Tomatoes.

bcmomtoo said...

I like all those movies you mentioned. Dirty Dancing was my favorite movie for a long time. Still love that one!

Also, The King's Speech is a new favorite. That movie is so good!

Lois Evensen said...

Movies, hmm, I enjoy watching the kid movies with the kids. Shrek is a favorite one as well as Up.

Ladynred said...

Pretty woman and all her movies.. (Julia Roberts), Titanic, Dirty Dancing and all movies with ballroom dance! All Tom Cruise's movies!!!

Rosie@travel-i-tales said...

Too many faves, but comedies top my list. Thanks for CC - glad I found this meme...featured my own critter in my garden this week.You'll love him.

Forgetfulone said...

I didn't post a CC this week, but I wanted to tell you Shawshank is one of my fave movies of all time!

Linda said...

I'm probably one of the few people that doesn't watch movies, so I can't list a favourite one.

Kim said...

ahh, there are so many! The Matrix, Knights tale, Traffic are 3 that no matter what I will stop and watch over and over

Carolina Mountains said...

I would have to say Wizard of Oz, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Fifth Element - fantasy and Scifi.

i beati said...

I like Catch and Release and tons of others..

Anonymous said...

Stop on by my blog and meet Julie!

Take Care,


Ingrid said...

Only 4 come into my mind : Gone with the wind, Mamma mia, Rainman and "The king's speech" the best film I have seen in a long time !

Ever Green Tree said...

Have many.... i like the recent flick Kings Speech a lot, while DDLJ aka Dilwale Dulhaniya lee Jaye gee a Bollywood film is an all time fav.

Happy Holi - the Indian festival of Colours.

Clytie said...

I always make my kids see a movie first. If it has a happy ending and not too much blood & gore then I will watch it! Still, my faves are the angsty ones of my youth ... Grease, Dirty Dancing, Flashdance, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, those kind.

Thank you for hosting this meme!

Roan said...

Now this is a tough question. I think Silence of the Lambs and Pride and Prejudice (the Keira Knightley version). Really, there are too many to name. But those were the first to come to mind.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

How about an oldie, "42nd Street"? Love Ruby Keeler dancing her little heart out. I used to watch it every New Year's Eve.

Russ AKA Grampy said...

I thought this was a Daily Meme.

Janne said...

I love Moonstruck, Indiana Jones movies, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, Bringing Up Baby, Chocolat, Amadeus, Fiddler on the Roof, just to name a few.

Unknown said...

Something unique would be fun but I'm not sure it can be done this quick, how will we all get the "assignment" to have it ready for next week?