Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme.

We hope that everyone enjoys this meme, which is all about photos of animals/critters. We try not to complicate CC with many rules, but we do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Camera-Critters #27

My site was nominated for Best Animal Blogger!

We were nominated for Blogger's Choice Awards! You have no idea how much it means to me to know that some of you enjoy Camera-Critters as much as I. I still laugh when I remember how I was afraid that no one would want to participate ;-)
Voting for the awards ends on October 15 (yes, that's four days from now). So, we're late in joining in the fun, but it's neat to be nominated.
My site was nominated for Best Photography Blog!

Here we go - heading into the second half of the year for Camera-Critters. Before we know it, we'll be having a great big Camera-Critters Anniversary/Birthday party!!! No critters, big or small, will be excluded from said party, of course.

Before we begin, I feel I owe many of you a big apology. During the past two weeks, I have not completed visiting all the Camera-Critters posts. I could tell you everything that has been going on here to give you excuses, but I'm not going to do that. My point isn't to make excuses, it is to apologize. Each week, I have the intention of visiting everyone, and generally, I do view all the Camera-Critters captures. Unfortunately, I fell behind in responsibilities and was having a hard time catching up. So, anyway, I just wanted to give you an honest heartfelt apology - I will do my best to visit all of you this week, and, for those I missed last week, I hope to visit those too. This meme and all of you really mean a lot to me.

Now for the normal stuff...
Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme. I hope that everyone enjoys this meme which is all about photos of animals/critters. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun! Each week, on Sunday evening/night, a Camera-Critters capture from that week will be randomly selected to be featured in the sidebar of this blog until the next Sunday.


I try not to complicate CC with many rules, but I do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. Thank you.

* * * As always, if you have been participating on a regular basis, and I have not added you to the blogroll, please point that out in your comment, along with your blog name (or your name - whichever you prefer to be listed) and address (so it will be faster for me to add you). I have tabs open for the blogroll so I can immediately add those people whom I have neglected.* * *


Anonymous said...

Happy CC and have a great weekend! :)

Carrie said...

Mines up!
Have a great weekend :0)

Lapa37 said...

Congrats on being voted I will go over there and vote as soon as I can.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Big congrats on your nomination! You have put so much effort into keeping this site running smoothly! Well deserved!

Anonymous said...

Just posted mine!

Congrats on the nomination!

I'd like to be added to the blogroll. :)

Sherrie said...

My Camera Critters is posted. If you want to take a look, it is here:


Just click on Ramdom Thoughts From Me and you'll go right there. Take Care!!

P.S. Congratulations on the nomination!!


Heart of Rachel said...

Congratulations for the nomination! You can count on my vote.

I posted my entry here.

Busy Mom in Iowa said...

Mine's up here:

Dina said...

A Blogger's Choice Award nomination, cool!
Happy second half of the year for Camera-Critters.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo on the nomination! My critters are up. It's a battle for the sunny spot this week. Off to visit!

Mike W. said...

See our funny chew toy on Camera Critters!

Snowbird said...

Congrats on the nomination. I love Camera Critters. It is a great excuse for me to post all of my critter pictures. Thanks.

Rhea said...

That's awesome Camera Critters was nominated for some awards! Woohoo!

And, I don't blame you, it's hard to visit all 100+ posts! Don't feel bad.

Anonymous said...

Just posted my CC! Congrats on the nomination. Happy Thanksgiving day if you are celebrating!

Digital Polaroids said...

Thanks for let us share our critters once again.
Happy weekend!

bcmomtoo said...

It's so hard to visit everyone, but they're all worth it. What a fun meme!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Misty: Congrats on the nomination, I honored you today with something from your hometown area.

Teena in Toronto said...

Congrats on the nominations!

Anonymous said...

I'm up, thanks Misty

Unknown said...

It would be hard for you to visit every one of us as there are so many in your successful meme. :) I understand and I'm sure others do too. :)

storyteller said...

Wow ... lots of folks are getting an EARLY start this weekend. Mine's up at Small Reflections as of a few minutes ago and I hope you'll find time to drop by. Did you know this is International Dogs Rule Day (according to Going Like Sixty) so be sure to 'Smooch Your Pooch' and have a great weekend.
Hugs and blessings,

bobbie said...

How could you ever have doubted?

Cathy said...

Congratulations on such a well-deserved nomination!

david mcmahon said...

Fantastic news on the nominations, Mist.

Relax, no need to apologise.

marLou said...

Congrats! I'm a newbie. Nice site on one of my favorite subjects.

I posted mine at http://mycoookies.blogspot.com/2008/10/camera-critters-27.html

Melissa said...

Congratulations on the very much deserving nomination -you've got a great thing going here! Well done!

My pics are up!

Carletta said...

Blogger's Choice! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
It's well deserved Misty - you had a great idea and follow it up weekly by being a terrific hostess!!

Jane Hards Photography said...

So many already. I've gone for white cat myths today.

i beati said...

This is the one thing i do that I never tire of sandy

Cath said...

Congrats on the nomination and stop apologising!! You get to us eventually. ;0)

Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOO! Congrats on the nominations :-)

A Blog In The Rough said...

CC time once again, wow is this ever an addiction. Oh and no need to apologize for not visiting everyone, that's what we're all here for, to visit others :)

Unknown said...

To be honest I don't know what the heck is going on, just glad i finally made a critter post!

magiceye said...

congratulations on being nominated!!

you may add me to the blog roll my name is magiceye and url is http://mumbai-eyed.blogspot.com/

thank you.

Anonymous said...

I've posted my Lil Man! Happy photoging!!!

Anonymous said...

my second time to play! :)

happy weekend everybody!

Anonymous said...

got a camel entry!

happy week-end everyone!

Corey~living and loving said...

So tell me...when do most people post their CC? I'm always shocked that I am one of the last when I post on Saturday night.

anyhow...mine is up.

Liz said...

Very nice site!


Swarna said...

Mine's up... I'm glad that I can participate at least occasionally.

earthlingorgeous said...

Good luck on the voting! My critter shot is up

Anonymous said...

You've got my vote!

kjpweb said...

That's great! Congrats and best luck!
Cheers, Klaus

Gretchen said...

Mine's finally up and it's not an elk this week. :)

TeachinAuntie said...

Hi! I'm a newbie to this Meme! I've put up my first post!

♥ mommy author ♥ said...

mine is up!


Barb said...

Don't faint. I played today. ;)

HeatherK said...

I'm a little late posting things but hope I have not missed all the fun!

LA Nickers said...

Congratulations on the nominations.

Blessings all around,


Rose said...

I have a few critter pictures to post! Including one today. Congratulations on the nomination.

Anonymous said...

Guess the Breed, at The Mane Point

Gowri Mohanakrishnan said...

I've just put up my first Camera Critters post here - http://seventhchords.blogspot.com/
And I'm enjoying my morning looking at some lovely pictures by other Camera Critters shutterbugs!

Anonymous said...

Just put mine up! Have a great weekend, everyone. :)