Camera-Critters #299
I'm doing the best I can and will hopefully get on a better schedule/routine very soon. Right now, someone else requires all my attention and is my priority :-) Please feel free to add your link from last week and this week!
Once again, I apologize for being late. There are so many things going on right now with deaths in the family, medical/hospital tests for me, and other stressful events I don't want to talk about. Then, of course, there's that one thing that is helping me hold it together... my baby girl... the best thing that ever happened to me!
Sorry there will be no thumbnails this week. The linky tool I pay a subscription to so I can use thumbnails is giving me an error message. So, in order to get Camera-Critters open for you - I'm using a different service.
My apologies!
I apologize that Camera-Critters is opening late. I was in the hospital and unable to open CC any sooner.