Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme.

We hope that everyone enjoys this meme, which is all about photos of animals/critters. We try not to complicate CC with many rules, but we do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun!


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Camera-Critters 21

Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme. I hope that everyone enjoys this meme which is all about photos of animals/critters. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun! Each week, on Sunday evening/night, a Camera-Critters capture from that week will be randomly selected to be featured in the sidebar of this blog until the next Sunday.

* * * I will continue to add people to the blogroll on an ongoing basis. So, if you aren't listed, please accept my apologies, just let me know, and I'll add you. * * *


I try not to complicate CC with many rules, but I do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. Thank you.


Berleen said...

Great news listed on mine! Plus some puppy expression!

Have a great Labor Day wknd everyone!

Anonymous said...

Posted mine as well;-) Happy Saturday everyone!

Maria Verivaki said...

hello misty, thanks for providing us with this kind of fun every week, i love taking part when i can

Teena in Toronto said...

We've got some scary critters!

I played :)

ratmammy said...

Wow, you're really early this week!! :) Im' up!

Anonymous said...

Got some new critters nesting in our front yard here:


Anonymous said...

Shabbat shalom to everyone from Jerusalem Hills.

Anonymous said...

Fun, isn't it ? :-)

Anonymous said...

wow first time for me to post this early. :)

i got a horse as entry today. come by and see it.

Lapa37 said...

Well it's my favorite day of the week I just love doing CC.

Lapa37 said...

Week #2 for Max and he's loving it.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Good morning Misty, mine is up now too. Updating on new kittie . If i hadn't said thanks for starting this site i want to say so now. I enjoy this very much.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Hello, again! I always look forward to Camera Critters Day and checking out everyone's photos.

Wishing you a Safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend.

david mcmahon said...

Hi Mist - I'm actually on the same continent as you, for a few days, as you'll see from my Critters post.

Have a great weekend


Rhea said...

I'm up! I can't believe it's been 21 weeks...

Anonymous said...

Lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Hey cool I got featured! I'm in. Thanks Misty :)

LatigoLiz said...

Please add me to the blogroll!
Buena will thank you!

i beati said...

dun week - big group last week congrats sk

Coy Hill said...

My post is humming. Thanks for the great MEME!

Cath said...

Hi Mist -
Mine's up now too. Thanks for hosting again. :)

Reader Wil said...

Hi Misty as I was recently in Australia I show you some green ants, which are really interesting animals!

Anonymous said...

I just found this site and am participating in the weekly Photo Meme. I created a link to my photo entitled, The Coolest Dog in the Park. I hope you like it.


Samantha & Mom said...

Ours is up! We enjoy this Meme very much. Have a great Weekend all!
Your FL furiends,

Jane Hards Photography said...

23 already! I just love the nemes and going round people's blogs.

kris said...

Mine is up! Thanks Misty!

Stellaluna said...

Mine is up, sorry I put the link in the #20, whoops!
Mine's about my new discovery, mwahahaha!

A Blog In The Rough said...

thanks again as always for this meme. Got mine ready to go


magiceye said...

what a lovely place for all critters to congregate!

Forgetfulone said...

Thanks for hosting this meme. Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone's enjoying a great weekend. The Tiger is posted...

Unknown said...

This sounds like fun.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up :) Maya all grown up!

Janet said...

Thanks for sponsoring this meme. Mine is up and fluttering.

Heart of Rachel said...

I'm late on mine. Hope you can still come by and visit.

You may find my entry here.

storyteller said...

Wow ... not only am I later than usual, I put my link in the wrong place initially. Being #94 tells me I definitely need to get busy and visit others while I’m watching TENNIS at the US Open. I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend … a LONG one for those of us in the USA.
Hugs and blessings,

healingmagichands said...

It took me too long to find something wasn't a spider or a wasp!

Carrie said...

I'm late as usual but mine is up! I will have to get my camera fixed so that I will have a picture for next week!

Tink *~*~* said...

Me and my shark critters are a bit late, I'm afraid!

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

nonizamboni said...

Sorry to be so late...hope you're having a great Labor Day weekend!

Anonymous said...

My critter is up! Happy CC everybody!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Hi Misty,
So sorry about the link on here as i didn't know it would continue to add my link back on here as in sky watch. I have two accounts that i started one for Oregon and then my travel blog. which is what i use for Camera Critters. Anyway i changed it and i have to remember that i need to do so after linking to sky watch.

i beati said...

I cannot find ther break to bring up 3rd column >>Help

Anonymous said...


Digital Polaroids said...

Super Late! But I want you to see this beautiful parrot!

Dirkjogt said...

I'm a real cat lover, so my 'critter-posts' will contain mostly cats, allthough a dog from time to time may appear :-)
Dirkjogt, Belgium

EG CameraGirl said...

Flying critters at my blog. ;-)

mrsnesbitt said...

My critter is just gorgeous!