Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme.

We hope that everyone enjoys this meme, which is all about photos of animals/critters. We try not to complicate CC with many rules, but we do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Camera-Critters #26

Hey everyone - HAPPY 1/2 ANNIVERSARY! This is Camera-Critters #26, which means it has been going strong for half a year! I hope all of you have had as much fun as I have!

Welcome to the Camera-Critters meme. I hope that everyone enjoys this meme which is all about photos of animals/critters. So make your post, link back to here, visit other Camera-Critters captures, and have fun! Each week, on Sunday evening/night, a Camera-Critters capture from that week will be randomly selected to be featured in the sidebar of this blog until the next Sunday.


I try not to complicate CC with many rules, but I do ask that you please use a CC badge or link back to Camera-Critters in some way. Thank you.

* * * IMPORTANT - I need your help... if you have been participating on a regular basis, and I have not added you to the blogroll, please point that out in your comment, along with your blog name (or your name - whichever you prefer to be listed) and address (so it will be faster for me to add you). I have tabs open for the blogroll so I can immediately add those people whom I have neglected (PLEASE forgive me... you really do mean the world to me!) * * *


Anonymous said...

Here's to more months and years to come to CC! I've only been in my 13th weeks and so far, it has been amazing to be apart of this group of critter lovers:)

Mine is posted HERE. Happy CC!~


Anonymous said...

Happy weekend! My CC is now up :)

Carletta said...

Wow - 26 - seems like yesterday!
Still having fun!!!
Thanks for being a terrific hostess.

Unknown said...

Congrats and thank you! It's so much fun to participate!

I have a turtle this week!

Reader Wil said...

Hi Misty Dawn, how are you today? That's what everybody asks when you see one in a shop, in the street, everywhere, even if you have never met before.
My critter is Australian. For me interesting for we haven't got this animal in Holland.I hope you like it!

Gemma Wiseman said...

I have just been a part of this meme for a couple of months but I have loved it!

Busy Mom in Iowa said...

Congrats on 1/2 a year!! I have a wonderful time with this meme whenever I can participate in it!

PS - My critter is up :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! It's one of my favorite times of the week - a lot of fun!

Rhea said...

i love the critters!

Sandy Kessler said...

Wonderful milestone I love them don't you ??

Dirkjogt said...

Happy to join c-c again, looking forward for the critters this week.

Lapa37 said...

Hey just thought this week I would say thanks for coming up with the whole CC idea.It is my favorite meme to do.Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Love this meme. I get to go through and look at all the cool critter photos everyone posts. Have a great CC weekend!

Sherrie said...

Hi everyone,
My Camera Critters is posted. It is here:


Just click on Ramdom Thoughts from Me and it will take you right there. Take Care!!


Anonymous said...

Mine is up! It's Bubba Jack, a donkey where my daughter takes therapeutic horseback riding.

Anonymous said...

More months and years to come for this meme. My entry is up, BTW.

storyteller said...

Yup … it’s definitely been fun … so much so that this is MY 28th … published at Small Reflections. It seems that I’ve participated more than once a couple of weeks. I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone’s shared.
Hugs and blessings,

Juneau Alaska Photos said...

Greetings from Juneau (AK) Daily Photo!
Congratulations on your accomplishment.:)
Check out our pup, he's ready to go for a hike.:)

Sheena said...

Hello everyone. It's been a while... I had a very busy summer. I love rolling with the pack and it's nice to celebrate with you CCs... happy anniv! :)

Note: My blog title-Photography and Morphology of Sheena Edillie was changed into Beyond Kimchiland... I hope that sounds good. :)

Sheena said...

Hello everyone. It's been a while... I had a very busy summer. I love rolling with the pack and it's nice to celebrate with you CCs... happy anniv! :)

Note: My blog title-Photography and Morphology of Sheena Edillie was changed into Beyond Kimchiland... I hope that sounds good. :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Misty: A fun Meme that seems to have changed my blog. I seem to have critters several times a week. Really great in the seasons except Winter. We'll have to see what happens when the snow comes.

bcmomtoo said...

Half a year! It doesn't seem possible.

I love seeing all the critters every week.

Anonymous said...

I'm in thanks :)

Cath said...

Congrats on 6 months of a fantastic meme Misty! Thanks for hosting.

david mcmahon said...

Six months already, Mist? Thank you for giving us this fun meme ....

Dina said...

Happy half year anniversary to Misty Dawn and all.
Today is the big day of St. Francis, patron saint of the animals!

nonizamboni said...

Happy anniversary to us! And thanks for all the fun, Misty.
Happy weekend!

nonizamboni said...

Oops. . .I don't see myself on your blogroll as either Nonizamboni or Peacock Blue. My blog is http://nonizamboniblue.blogspot.com/


Aisha said...

Happy Anniversary! :D That's really cool!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Happy anniiversary. I will have my 200th post on Tuesday.

Mike W. said...

Our Camera Critter is not furry this week! Can you guess what it is?

Anonymous said...

Happy Sunday, everyone!

Snowbird said...

Happy Birthday CC. I'm glad I found you. Come over to my blog and see who came knocking at my door.

Anonymous said...

What a cute meme! I'm a first timer. Come by and see my roadside groundhog.

judi/Gmj said...

I am sooooo late, thanks for continuing to do this fun meme!

ChrissyM said...

Love this meme, thank you so much for doing this each week!


ღ=]♥Kaylaღ=]♥ said...

I love animals of all types, this is a great group!!

docemdy said...

Happy anniversary to everyone!

Unknown said...

Dang I left home early this morning and wow there's a lot of people signed up now. I better get busy visiting. :)

Heart of Rachel said...

That's wonderful! Time certainly flies. Happy six "monthsary".

My entry for this week is here.

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty cool digital frame you got there *g*

Marilyn is posted. Hope you like her :-)

Cheryl said...

Hi, it's me again. This is my second posting for this meme. I really enjoy looking at the other critters.

Congratulations on your milestone! That's fantastic:)

For some reason I couldn't fetch a badge this week. It just wasn't working for me. ?

Anonymous said...

Good things prevail! Congrats!
That's why am I at it! :)
Cheers, Klaus

magiceye said...


Want to face off with a moth? Click Click Here For HTML Goodies

HeatherK said...

I finally got around to post a CC

Carrie said...


My cc is now posted!
Have a great Sunday

Rambling Woods said...

Happy Anniversary..I am late I think..
Mine is here
Rambling Woods

kesslerdee said...

Hi! I'm not able to post every week but I do when I can. I am not on the blog roll. I have a post up today about some early morning black bird visitors.

Jana said...

I am finally getting around to posting a camera critter!

Anonymous said...

Posted mine though late.:-) take a look at the beautiful critter in my blog. See you!

Tabatha said...

New to this and referred by a blogging friend so.....this should be fun!

Anonymous said...